Transportation Advisory: RIDE Smart | Safe | Responsible
It is unsafe and unwise to accept transportation offers from illegal ground transportation operators. Be smart, stay safe, and ride responsibly by choosing only authorized providers. CancunAirport.com IS NOT liable or responsible if you book services with an illegal operator and pay MORE than the official rates or if you lose your money because they were NOT allowed to pick you up.
The most popular options for Cancun Airport Transportation
hotelLINK - 1 passenger
Shared Shuttle to hotels, Available 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Stops at all terminals.
firstAVAILABLE - 3 passengers
Private Service NO sharing, 24 hours, most economical private service.
taxiRIDE - 6 passengers
Private Taxi Service to hotels, resorts, vacations homes, etc. 24 hours
privateX - 7 passengers
Private Service to ALL locations in Cancun, Riviera Maya, and Tulum. 24 hours
privateGL - 10 passengers
Private Service to ALL locations in Cancun, Riviera Maya, and Tulum 24 hours
privateSUV - 4 passengers
Most requested Private Service in a SUV type vehicle to ALL locations in Cancun, Riviera Maya, and Tulum, 24 hours
privateVIP - 4 passengers
Stylish and limited Private VIP service to ALL locations in Cancun, Riviera Maya, and Tulum, 24 hours.
Cancun Airport is the largest RENTAL CAR Center in the area. ALL International Brands and Local Agencies operate out of the Cancun Airport. Services are available 24 hours a day with a confirmed RESERVATION. It is HIGHLY recommended that you make a reservation prior to your arrival to Cancun. Rates vary however, agencies offer great discounts, promotions, and extra incentives ONLINE.
BUS SERVICE is provided by ADO Cancun Airport and available from the airport to Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Merida. BUSES stop at all Airport Terminals and are available daily. BUSES go DIRECTLY to the ADO Bus stations in the different towns, BUSES DO NOT go to hotels or make any stops along the way. This is a convenient way to get to a downtown address or to locations other than hotels.
It is very easy to get to the Cancun International Airport. There is one MAIN Road (Carretera) going North and South from the Airport. Carretera Cancun-Chetumal 307 is a coastal road connecting the whole Yucatan Peninsula. To get to the Cancun Airport you either go South if you are in Cancun or North if you are in Tulum, Riviera Maya or Playa del Carmen. The Cancun Airport is located at kilometer 22 and the exit to the airport is clearly marked from Carretera 307.
There is parking available at all terminals. Make sure you pay your ticket at the automated kiosk inside the terminals before returning to your car