Cancun Airport Departure Travel Times

With all of the excitement about the updates and changes, we want to let you know how very important it is to consider your flight departure times and how far in advance from departure you should leave your hotel.
Updated Information regarding the Mayan Train
This past Tuesday during a Public Information Meeting convened by the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources advised that Section 6 of the Mayan Train is environmentally viable and complies with Mexican law and international treaties as established by the MIA
Important Information Regarding Arrivals in Cancun
Through a new pilot program being offered at Cancun International Airport, the use of FMMs will be eliminated and in its place, the traveler will receive a stamp in their passport showing their arrival in Cancun.
Important Information Regarding Lost Items at the Cancun Airport
The following information has been provided by the Cancun Airport Lost & Found Department. Please note that Airport Lost & Found is clarifying that any item is left behind in the airport can only be returned to the owner if the owner is present.
The Cancun Airport Blog publishes articles about the airport, travel and the destinations in Cancun and the Riviera Maya.